Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Amazing Friends: Plumrose Lane

"Remembrance" blog background from Plumrose Lane

My incredible, magical, talented friend Sharon (of Mana Moon Studios) has a new venture and I am so excited to tell you about it. You already know she creates some of the most gorgeous jewelry around. Now she's taking that creativity to the world of graphic design. Just look at that extraordinary blog background up there! Her new project is Plumrose Lane. (I love that name!) There's a blog here and an Etsy shop here.

This is "Rose Garden", my personal favorite.

So please go visit Plumrose Lane. Not only is Sharon an amazing artist, she's also one of the nicest people I've ever known. And if that's not reason enough to go buy some blog banners, I don't know what is!


Plumrose Lane said...

Oh Chris, you're such a darling!! Such a wonderful friend and you always make me smile!! Thank you so much for the shout-out, I really appreciate! Oh and you realize this sets you in line for the new "Weekly Spotlight" feature, right!?! ;-)

Priti Lisa said...

I know, isn't she fabulous! I really need a pretty background, and it will be nice to buy from a friend...yours looks wonderful

Chris said...

Sharon - I just hope I did it justice.

Lisa - Isn't she amazing? Hidden talents galore with this one!