Friday, July 31, 2009


Orchids - Nikon D40 (click photo for larger version)

I have written previously about how my inspiration for this blog comes in fits and starts. I'll post regularly for a while, then not for weeks. I had a thousand excuses why this is, but no good reasons to change. Until now.

I was reading the blog of a jewelry designer in Scotland, Abigail A. Percy, who makes gorgeous gold and silver jewelry. I can't afford her work, but I enjoy reading about it. In her most recent post she writes about how she lost track of updating her blog and when it was brought to her attention, she realized that posting gave her a daily sense of accomplishment. This, in turn, helped her to feel more organized and less chaotic, even if a blog post was all she got around to on a given day.

This hit me like a cool, bracing wind, energizing and inspiring me. Often times I feel as though I get nothing worthwhile completed in a day's time, but I always love the feeling of posting to my blog. As many smart people have said, I was "allowing the urgent to crowd out the important".

So, as the title of this post suggests, I am returning to blogging with a new understanding of what has motivated me all along. In today's hectic, harried, stressful world, a sense of accomplishment, no matter how minor, is no small thing at all.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Georgia on My Mind

Secret Garden - Sony Cybershot - November 2007

Oh, Savannah, how I miss you so.

Dappled Sunlight - Sony Cybershot - November 2007

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Premio Meme

Red - Nikon D40

Sharon at Mana Moon has given me another award. (Now I'm blushing, y'all.) She's just too sweet, she really is. So here goes! 7 Facts About Me:

1. I am a sixth generation Floridian. I have lived my whole life here. In July I wonder why (when it's 96 degrees and the sun is like a blow torch) and then in January I remember (72 degrees, breezy and gorgeous).

2. I love history, especially American History from 1740 through 1870. I have studied it since I was a kid. Should have gone to college and gotten a PhD. I might still be broke, but at least I'd be doing something I love.

3. Writing and photography are my two passions. No matter how bad my day has been, if I can spend even a little time writing or taking/editing photos, I am a happy camper.

4. I believe in ghosts. I've never encountered one myself, but I've believe they exist.

5. I love puppies. Some day I will own a home in the country, with acreage, and several Labs and Huskies running all over the place.

6. I have a database-like brain when it comes to movies and television. I can recall actors, movies, dates, plot lines, you name it. I used to work at Blockbuster and people would come in asking about "that guy in the movie about the thing" and everyone would ask me what movie they wanted. And I usually knew.

7. I love handwriting. I change mine depending on my mood and my patience level.

And now I tag:

Swirly Girl
Ink on my Fingers
Bella Wish
Tara Ariano
Crazy Aunt Purl
Grow Wings
Mana Moon (even though I know she already did it, I just think she deserves another award!)

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Yellow - Nikon D40

I always wanted to be one of those bloggers who posted every day or two. I mean, I love clicking on my favorite sites and having something new to see or read.

But I just can't seem to do that. I'll go for a week or two with consistent posts, then life will get in the way. I won't have time, or inspiration, for several weeks, as you can plainly see.

I won't give up on the goal of being a regular poster. But I think I have to admit that, at least right now, it might not happen.

And I think I'm okay with that. I mean, life is crazy enough right now, for all of us. Putting unrealistic expectations on ourselves, especially on things that are supposed to be fun, is ridiculous.

So, here's to irregular posts - I'm aiming for quality over quantity.