Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Sweet Surprises
Today I received an award! Actually, my blog did, from the ever-awesome Sharon at Mana Moon Studios. She bestowed upon me the "One Lovely Blog" award. My first award!
I started this blog as a place to post pictures and occasional ramblings. Just to put a bit of myself out into the universe. And, as many have said, the universe returns the favor. I have discovered amazing inspiration and cool new friends from this little blog of mine.
Funny how that works, isn't it?
Now it's my turn to honor some blogs (in no specific order):
Bella Wish
An Indian Summer
Ink on My Fingers
Jen Gray
A Girl & Her Journal
3191 Miles Apart
The Pioneer Woman
Bread and Honey
Adventure Journalist
Here's to inspiration and admiration!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Out For a Stroll

Sahara - Nikon D40 (click photo for larger view)
Look who took a stroll through my yard last night? I took this through my bedroom window, without a telephoto lens. She lives in the woods that border our property and we see her late evening and early morning, more in the spring and summer than the rest of the year. I named her Sahara.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Some Days Are Hard
So yesterday was not a good day. I'm not sure if today will be any better. But I'll put my faith in the hope that it might be and the patience to ride it out if it's not.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Girl Plans, Mother Nature Laughs
So the purple dendrobium orchid I gave to my mom for Mother's Day is finally in full bloom. All thirteen blossoms opened. I planned on taking it out into mid-morning sunshine, which I like best for my flower shots, this morning.
First the battery in my camera was dead. Then it started raining. The sun has yet to reappear. But I managed to get the photo above.
Friday, June 5, 2009
5 Questions
Susannah at Ink On My Fingers put up a neat post answering five questions, then offered to give anyone who wanted them five questions of their own. Me please! I love answering questions. Here goes:
1. If you had to be stuck in an elevator with someone, who would you choose? Sir Winston Churchill. Hands down the greatest leader in human history. He stared Hitler in the face and said, "Not on my watch." In school I wrote papers on him every chance I got. I would ask him a thousand questions and beg for a thousand stories.
2. You have been gifted with one hour with a lost loved one - who do you spend your hour with? My paternal grandfather. He died the year I was born, so I never knew him, but my father tells great stories of him. One hour would not be enough time, but I'd take what I could get.
3. Do you have a signature scent? No, I crave variety far too much to stick with just one. Right now I am loving Island Micheal Kors Hawaii by Micheal Kors and Stella by Stella McCartney. I love a great fragrance, but it is essential to be subtle. One spritz is all it takes. The mornings I am in a rush and forget to put on scent, I notice a difference in my attitude. I'm not quite as happy as the days when I wear it.
4. London, Paris or Rome? Oh that's easy. I am a huge anglophile and my big dream is to one day live in London. I don't actually have a plan for that yet, just the dream. The dream is the worthier part, though, or so I believe.
5. What are you most proud of? My family. They are quite simply the best people I know, and that is no small thing. They always do what is right, even if it's not what is easy. They learn from their mistakes and laugh as much as they can. I am constantly amazed by how damn cool my family is. And I never forget how lucky I am to come from them.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
8 Things
The totally awesome Sharon over at Mana Moon (who makes the most gorgeous jewelry - go take a look!) tagged me. Here goes!
8 Things I'm looking forward to:
1. Winter, when it arrives here in about six months.
2. Seeing my adorable nephew in a few weeks.
3. More time for photography.
4. Buying more supplies for my newest love: art journaling.
5. A trip to my favorite city (Sarasota) for some good food and culture.
6. Swimming in the pool after work today.
7. Daughtry's new CD, when it hits July 14th.
8. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - Hey, I was a kid in the 80's. I love Transformers.
8 Things I did yesterday:
1. Worked the day job.
2. Squeezed in a few hours of writing.
3. Went to the library to replace my lost library card.
4. Found out it has been years since I was there - and I have $27 in late fees.
5. Made BLT's for dinner.
6. Researched the possibility of selling my photographs.
7. Went for a swim. (I would swim all day, every day, if I could. Should have been a fish.)
8. Took a moment to be grateful for my blessings.
8 Things I wish I could do:
1. Move things with my mind. Telekinesis rocks (Sylar!)
2. Plan my meals, so I don't eat junk food on the run.
3. Budget! I could plan a peaceful takeover of an entire country before I could plan my spending for one month.
4. Talk to old friends I've lost touch with.
5. Spend a year in Tuscany.
6. Then spend a year in Provence.
7. Meet my grandfathers, both of whom died the year I was born.
8. An uneven bars routine like Nastia Liukin. Girl is amazing!
8 Things or shows I've watched lately:
1. Heroes - I *heart* Sylar.
2. Firefly - for the eleventy-millionth time.
3. Tampa Bay Rays beat the Kansas City Royals 9-0 - go Rays!
4. The number on my scale not move one bit - dammit.
5. An absolutely gorgeous lightning storm late one night.
6. In Plain Sight - Makes me wonder about Albuquerque.
7. A baby black snake slither across the road.
8. Paranormal State - My new favorite show. Ghosts!
8 of my Favorite Blogs
1. Mana Moon
2. Adventure Journalist
3. Swirly Girl
4. Ink on My Fingers
5. 3191 Miles Apart
6. Orangette
7. Kelly Rae Roberts
8. Superhero Journal
Thank you to Sharon for tagging me. This was so much fun!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
This weekend was all about the geek TV marathon. I watched all of Heroes season three on Hulu. This season was a little weak, but so long as Sylar's around, I'm in. Can't wait to see how bad things get next season, what with Angela's terrible idea to **SPOILER** make Sylar think he's Nathan.
Then I pulled out my DVD of Firefly and watched those. Finished it off with a viewing of Serenity last night. I've seen those shows a hundred times and I still laugh out loud at the funny episodes ("Jaynestown" & "Our Mrs. Reynolds").
And yes, I am still bitter that Firefly never got a whole season while Dollhouse got picked up for a second. Fox is trying to make amends for screwing one show by giving an unearned pass to the other. I like Dollhouse well enough, but it doesn't come close to Firefly. Browncoats forever!
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