Sunday, January 4, 2009


Favorite color combinations:

:: Black and ballet pink
:: Fuchsia and navy blue
:: Midnight blue and black
:: Deep teal and chocolate brown
:: Primary red and black
:: Magenta and tangerine orange
:: Emerald green and royal purple

As you can probably tell, I love deep, strong colors. Earth tones and pastels have their place, but my favorites are the jewel-tones. The application is important, too. I would not want a fuchsia and navy blue sofa, but a fuchsia camisole under a navy blue pantsuit looks very sharp. With five inch heels, of course.


Anonymous said...

Love jewel tones as well and the flowers you have pictured capture those warm tones beautifully!

Chris said...

Thank you! I love color in art - the stronger the better.