Colorful Roses - Nikon D40 with 55 mm lens
I have to confess, I secretly love reading about or seeing things on people's desks. I like to see how others create their space, what they use to inspire them, if they are totally utilitarian or incorporate more whimsy. I think I'm a little of both. So here is what's on my desk (In no particular order):
1. Cordless keyboard and mouse, 24" monitor, HP printer, Altec Lansing computer speakers.
2. Bright pink and blue sticky notes, lined index cards, pink, blue and purple binder clips.
3. Two retractable ball point pens and teal, fuchsia and lavender Sharpies.
4. Blue iPod Nano.
5. Alarm clock, Aveeno lotion, bottle of water (my desk is right next to my bed, so it also functions as a nightstand).
6. Calculator, double-sided tape, stapler.
7. A 2GB flash drive and a card-reader for my camera memory cards.
7. "Balance", my word of the year, handwritten on an index card.
8. A small metal sign that says CREATE.
So who wants to share what's on their desk?