Sunday, December 20, 2009

Inspiration Avenue: Hidden

Hidden - Nikon D40 with 55 mm lens

My submission for the Inspiration Avenue challenge. This mama Mockingbird hid her nest inside our gardenia bush. I love the color of the eggs, a bright blue with brown speckles.

Please visit Inspiration Avenue to see the other submissions.


Unknown said...

Is there anything more perfect than a bird's nest? This is so sweet!

Luthien Thye said...

OMG OMG!!! this is so sweet and lovely!! what a lovely way to represent "hidden"!!

artangel said...

This is a lovely image Chris - those speckled eggs are really beautiful. How great to have found this in your garden, all hidden away! x

Priti Lisa said...

The eggs are beautiful...
what bird in there right mind is letting something that beautiful unattended?
xox, Lisa

Chris said...

You girls are so sweet. Seriously, you make me feel like a real artist!

Stephanie: We were so excited to see the nest!

luthien: I actually took the image last spring, but didn't process the photo until today. That still counts as new work, right? :-)

Angie - It was so fun to watch the birds hatch. They were ugly little things at first, then they grew into fat baby mockingbirds.

Lisa - When I came over with my camera I spooked the mama mockingbird. But she was over in the magnolia, squawking at me the whole time. As soon as I came inside she flew right back.

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous submission for this week's challenge Chris!! It's amazing how you happen to capture the little darlings!

Chris said...

Sharon - Thank you! We noticed that the mama mockingbird kept flying into the gardenia with twigs. A few days later, eggs appeared!

Charlie said...

Chris this photo is lovely. It's a fabulous submission for the challenge. How fun to be able to sneak up on this nest and take this picture. Great job!

Chris said...

Thanks, Charlie. I was pretty excited to have one so close.