Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I am big on gratitude. I think it is the cure for almost everything. Taking just a few moments to think about my life in large and small scope, and consider all that I am blessed with, makes any anxiety or bitterness disappear. In today's climate of depressing news and genuinely unfortunate circumstances around the world, being grateful makes all the difference.

So, in honor of tomorrow's holiday:
A Short List of the Things For Which I Am Thankful (in no particular order)

- my family (always)
- that I am healthy and strong
- that I haven't lost my sense of humor (or my sense of hope)
- my nephew's giggles
- honest-to-God fall weather in Florida in November (hallelujah!)
- music and photography
- never-ending inspiration from my favorite artists (see blog list to the right)

Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Wisdom Cards

This morning it seemed I needed twice as much wisdom, so I pulled two cards instead of my usual one. I like them both.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Desert Rose
Selby Botanical Gardens - Sarasota, FL - April 2008

Monday, November 17, 2008

Starting . . . Again

This is my third try at blogging. The first was a casualty of circumstance and the second was a casualty of finances (namely being a lack there of). I'm hoping this incarnation makes it a little longer than its predecessors.

My goals for this blog are simple: to share with whomever may be looking some of my photography, some of my words and some of the things I find on the web and in the world.

I welcome all comments, critiques and suggestions. I hope everyone can find a little something here to interest, amuse or enchant them. Or, perhaps, all three.