Hungry Squirrel - Nikon D40 with telephoto lens
I'm sitting at my desk, the windows open because the weather is gorgeous, and I hear a sound like someone is tossing pebbles. Now, our yard is covered with fallen pine needles because we are surrounded by eighty-foot pine trees and we've had three days of storms to blow everything across the lawn. So, there's a nice carpet of pine needles onto which something is tossing pinecone shards. I look up to see one of the two squirrels who live in our trees sitting about forty feet up the tree, working on a pinecone like it's corn on the cob. Click on that picture and take a look at that little dude.

Leftovers, Nikon D40 with telephoto lens
And this is what's littered on the ground underneath the pine tree. He peeled every petal, or whatever, off those pinecones, ate the seed, and tossed it on the ground. Then he chucked the remnants of the pinecones, picked clean, right after them.
But do you think he'd come down and clean up after himself? Of course not. If I didn't know better, I'd think the little rascal actually pointed at me and laughed.